The "Messa Virgo Lauretana" to be performed on September 7, 2008

The Messa Virgo Lauretana, the first Mass entirely composed by women to be performed at Saint Peter's Cathedral in Rome, will be performed at the Senigallia Cathedral on September 7, 2008 during the 15th editions of the "Musica Nouva Festival" organized by the association "Musica Antica et Contemporanea". A presentation of the work will take place at 19h00 with the concert to follow at 21H15.
This collaborative work was composed by seven Italian composers who are all residents of the Marche region of Italy. The composers are Paolo Ciarlantini, Barbara Polacchi, Roberta Silvestrini, Sara Torquati, Loredana Totò and Francesa Virgili.
Libellés : Barbara Polacchi, Francesa Virgili, Loredana Totò, Messa Virgo Lauretana, Paolo Ciarlantini, Roberta Silvestrini, Sacred Music, Sara Torquati, Women Composers